Operational Competence

Suitable for:
Year round
Technical Skills
This learning pathway provides the technical skills required to ensure:
- Increased awareness of Health, Safety and Environmental standards in operational environments
- A consistent approach for training and competence
- All employees have the necessary technical skills and competence to perform their duties safely
It includes training matrices tailored to all operational roles and environments in Tarmac. A training matrix is a tool that shows all the technical skills required for a particular role. Line Managers can use their training matrix as guidance to identify the training needs of an individual.
Technical Skills
License to Operate (LTO)
The business ascertains what training is needed for the following year. This exercise is done in Q3 every year.
To access your e-learning courses, login to the LTO and click the e-learning button at the top right hand corner of the homepage.
Would you like to book some training?
Process to Submit Training Request
Unplanned Training Request
This process covers training requests submitted b Line Managers outside of the annual training plan such a new employees, change of roles, mobile plant and other key changes to legislation and/or policies.
Success stories
"Not only have I discovered helpful employee benefits such as Tarmac Rewards and EAP but I have widely expanded my knowledge on health and safety, occupational health, COSHH, machinery, stationary, mobile plant and much more in a real environment that puts the learning into context."
- Jack Bartram, Operative
Frequently asked questions
More questions? Visit our Help page
Did you know?
In the average year, the Operational Competence Team receive 15,000 training requests, deliver 500 vocational qualifications and carry out over 3,000 mobile plant assessments.
Did you know?
Tarmac saved over £300k in 2018 by utilising e-learning for refresher training.
You can access our e-learning platform via the LTO. Click HERE to login.
Other related pages
IQ Skills Wheel
- All quarrying and mineral extracting professionals
- Core skills and knowledge to guide your PDP
Individual Development Planning
- Development goal
- Skills and behaviours
- Reaching your potential
For more information on Technical Skills Training contact: