Suitable for:
All Employees at Bands 1 to 3.
An opportunity to work alongside colleagues from a range of business units and functions on a business-related project, with a Senior Leader as a Mentor. EDP runs over eight months and is a combination of the work-related project and classroom based learning modules, working alongside and supporting your peers.
8 months.
The primary focus of the EDP is the learning journey, helping you build new relationships outside of your normal working environment to gain new business skills. The programme introduces these principles and what you can then expect and the support on offer.
By taking part you will learn more about what is happening in our business, share ideas and best practice and provide solutions on a business-related project which could help make a real difference to the company and your day-to-day job.
Previous projects have included topics such as One Team and Communication, Asphalt Capacity, and Safety Culture across our sites.
Previous projects have included:
- Education engagement
- Attracting a more diverse workforce
- Induction and on-boarding process
- Engaging with subcontractors
- Improving collaboration
- Utilising our fleet better
How to apply
Application for this programme should stem from a thorough IDP discussion with your line manager.
If agreed, then complete the application form and submit.
If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected]
Success stories
"I found that the EDP exceeded all expectations, from going to the launch event right through to the final presentation. It soon became clear that this wasn't just another training exercise but a real chance to shape and develop the business. Working through our project I got to visit different areas of the business and learn about job roles I did not previously know existed.”
- Charles Oakley, Drystone Supervisor
Frequently asked questions
More questions? Visit our Help page
Other related pages
Individual Development Planning (IDP)
- Development goals
- Skills and behaviours
- Reaching your potential
Tarmac Front-line Management Programmes
- Band 2/3
- Team Leaders and Supervisors
- Building Effective Teams
For more information on EDP contact: