Suitable for:
All new employees at all levels.
On-boarding is the broader process of integrating a new employee into the organisation. It helps the employe settle into their new work environment, culture and job responsibilities. It aims to make them feel welcome and set them up for success in their roles.
What is induction?
The induction is part of the onboarding process that focuses on introducing the new employee to the organisations culture, values and expectations. The guides in this section provide a great starting point for this process but the induction journey continues on site with the help of the Line Manager and the team for as long as required.
Tarmac Packs
Tarmac On-boarding Guide
This guide provides vital information for new starters to make them feel more comfortable and give them the head start they deserve. View guide
Manager Induction Guide
This guide is designed to support Line Managers plan an employee's induction and act as a record of what has been completed. View guide
Tarmac Acronyms List
This list of acronyms helps new starters understand the terminology and language used in Tarmac. View list
Frequently asked questions
More questions? Visit our Help page
Did you know?
69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they experience a great on-boarding.
For more information on on-boarding and induction contact: